U.S. Chamber Calls for Immediate Increase in Domestic Energy Production

Delivering the keynote address on September 23 at the annual Global Business Forum, U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue called for an immediate increase in domestic energy production and strengthening of the U.S.-Canada energy partnership.
“A solid foundation for a competitive and economically vibrant North America is an abundant and affordable supply of energy,” Donohue told the crowd of international business, academic, and government leaders. “The U.S.-Canada relationship must remain a bedrock of that foundation. To ensure jobs, growth, and competitiveness for our continent, the United States must immediately begin increasing its domestic production and strengthening its energy partnership with Canada.”

Donohue noted that China, Brazil, Argentina, and Canada are taking steps to secure more energy to fuel economic growth while America is lagging behind. He highlighted the Chamber’s efforts to move forward on the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would safely link Canada’s oil sands projects to Gulf Coast refineries. The environmental review of Keystone XL has taken more than three years to complete. Last month, the Final Environmental Impact Statement was released and found that the pipeline would have no significant impact on the environment.

“More than anything else, Keystone XL offers Americans an opportunity to improve their energy security,” said Donohue. “The United States has a choice: It can secure access to a stable and reliable supply of oil from Canada—where human rights and the environment are protected—or it can continue to be over reliant on imports from nations that do not share our interests or values.”

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