Edna was born July 5, 1927 in East Los Angeles, CA and married the love of her life, Peter Quintero during the tumultuous years of WWII. During the following years they were blest with three children: Robert, Michael and Yolanda.
Edna was one of the four original, Lift-It employees with a 39 year career in the synthetic sling fabrication. Michael J. Gelskey, Sr., CEO and Founder remarked, “Edna was an invaluable part of our company for her entire career and was our first retiree. She led by example and always challenged us to be the best version of who we could be. We were blest by her years of mentoring and by her kind and loving ways, which truly were the heart and soul of our organization.”
Michael J. Gelskey, Jr., Vice-president and General Manager, Lift-it Mfg. Company, Inc., stated, ”Edna was truly inspirational to the many adopted “sons” and “daughters” she took under her wings. Her conscientiousness and zest for life were incredible and heaven will never be the same!”
Edna was predeceased by her husband, Peter and by her co-workers: David Barthule and Wolfgang Keil. She is survived by her three children, who lost a mother and their best friend.