Tandemloc Announces Lower Capacity Lifting Devices to Product Line

Tandemloc CoilLifter-02aTANDEMLOC, Inc. of Havelock, NC is pleased to announce an entirely new line of products, developed in response to customer requests and in accordance with corporate goals, is now ready for shipment.

Manufacturer of top-end lifting devices such as spreaders, lift beams, and lift slings in capacities up to just over 1500 tons, TANDEMLOC is now producing several items for the lower capacity market. 

TANDEMLOC, unique among lifting beam manufacturers, offers sizing to exact customer requirements.  Stepping down in load capacity to a newer range of material handling products, TANDEMLOC is building pallet (skid) lifters, coil hooks from ½ ton to 50 ton capacity, pipe grabs, and combo lifters for crane and/or forklift attachment.

In their “Rapid Ready” Line for lift beams up to 20 feet in length and up to 13 tons in capacity, they promise to quote, design, manufacture and ship to customer specifications in 5 to 7 days.  Like all of the below-the-hook devices that TANDEMLOC produces every single item is also proof-tested to 125% of its capacity before being stocked or shipped.  Company President John M. DiMartino was quoted, “Our future includes, but is not limited to, growth through the expansion of CNC work, robotic welding work, and the continuous development of new product lines.”  These new products are a result of that direction.

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