Skanska USA, a leading provider of construction management, preconstruction, and design build services, announced today its completion of the last phase of Tampa General Hospital’s Jennifer Leigh Muma Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which included more patient rooms and a new transition nursery.
The first phase of the NICU opened last November with 58 private patient rooms. Construction on the final phase started last December on the fourth floor of the West Pavilion. The completed NICU project adds 13,000 square feet and 24 more patient rooms, and spans 45,800 square feet.
The $35 million project was funded in part by a multi-million dollar gift from Pam and Les Muma in memory of their daughter Jennifer Leigh, who died in the 1970s while in the NICU.
Having 24 more patient rooms is a big plus, said Pam Sanders, the NICU’s nurse manager. Since the first phase opened, the NICU has often reached maximum capacity. “Now we won’t have to be worried about not having enough room to take care of these babies. The bottom line is we needed these beds,” Sanders said.
The new phase also includes a new 12-bed Transition Nursery. ”This nursery is designed for newborns who are slow to transition to the outside environment, or who need additional monitoring outside of an intensive care setting,” Sanders said.
In addition, special care went into the design of both phases to promote healing for fragile and premature infants. They have private rooms, equipped with a recliner and a wardrobe, so parents are more comfortable visiting their babies and staying overnight. The private rooms also feature multiple lighting options and low noise levels that create an environment similar to a mother’s womb to promote healing.
“We are excited the NICU project is now completed and open to the public, as there was a great need for this type of expansion for the Tampa Bay area,” said Bryan Durkin, Skanska LEED® AP and senior project manager. “We are presently in preconstruction with a Tampa General Hospital project which includes cardiovascular transplant operation rooms and look forward to continuing our long standing relationship with TGH.”