SC&RA To Launch Leadership Forum for Rising Industry Stars at Key Events in 2017

The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA) announced today that, beginning in 2017, they will host two new Leadership Forums to engage rising stars in their 20s and 30s and provide them with the necessary tools to leverage their SC&RA memberships for company and career success.

These Forums will be hosted in conjunction with the Specialized Transportation Symposium and the Crane & Rigging Workshop, two key industry events that occur annually in winter and fall, respectively. The Forums are the latest initiative in SC&RA’s continuing efforts to engage and equip subsequent generations of industry leaders.

SC&RA’s Leadership Forum will run on a separate track at both the Symposium and Workshop, providing ample time for participants to discuss challenges and opportunities with peers, and to learn from members who have successfully made membership work for them.

In addition to these specialized sessions, Forum participants are invited to join the Workshop or Symposium attendees for the Governing Committee meeting and Networking reception where they will be matched with a mentor. This mentor will introduce them to key SC&RA members and help answer questions. Participants are then encouraged to attend the remainder of the Workshop or Symposium.

Participants are limited to 15 for each Forum. Registration to the Leadership Forum is free and includes a complimentary registration to the Workshop or Symposium. Previous Symposium and Workshop participants are not eligible for the complimentary registration but remain eligible to participate in the Forum.

Event Dates & Locations:
February 15 at the Specialized Transportation Symposium: February 14-17, 2017, Orlando, FL
September 20 at the Crane & Rigging Workshop: September 18-20, 2017, Kansas City, MO

Interested individuals must submit an online application, which includes brief essays on their career goals and a recommendation from a supervisor.  Please take note of the Application Deadlines:

January 3th (Specialized Transportation Symposium)
August 9th (Crane & Rigging Workshop)

A third event is planned for Fall 2017 to bring together participants in the Leadership Forum, young leaders, and mentors to further identify and address the needs in this area. This follow-up event is by invitation only, and will be held at the SC&RA headquarters in Centreville, VA.

For more information on the Leadership Forum or to access the application visit

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