SC&RA Teams Up with Specialist Trainer

The Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association (SC&RA) and Equipment Training Solutions, LLC (ETS) have rolled out a comprehensive Rigger Safety Training Course.

The course closely follows American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B30.9, B30.10, B30.23, B30.26, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1910.184 and 1926.251, and various industry publications.

An easy-to-use, interactive CD-ROM incorporates: Illustrated identification, inspection and use of slings, including wire rope, metal mesh, synthetic web, synthetic round, and synthetic rope; Descriptions and animations of hitch types, including choke with shackle, choke, double-wrap choke, basket and double-wrap basket; Illustrated identification, inspection and use of rigging hardware, including turnbuckles, swivel rings, eye bolts, shackles, wire rope clips, wedge sockets, links and rings, and hooks; Animations of the successful completion of knots in rigging operations, including inside bowline, sheet bend, square knot, clove hitch, and two half hitch.

Separate 92-page guides for instructors and students are packed with additional illustrations and descriptions on slings, rigging hardware and knots. These guides also include up-to-date excerpts from OSHA Regulation 1926.251, which covers Rigging Equipment for Material Handling.

Also featured are 75 multiple-choice review questions and an NCCCO Rigger Reference Booklet, which contains charts and graphs on sling capacities, load factors and weight distribution, level and incline planes, coefficients of friction, sling capacities, block and fairlead loading, steel beam capacities, rigging hardware capacities, load-weight calculations, general data, level and off-level pick points, 3-part braided wire rope sling capacities, 9-part braided wire rope sling capacities, alloy chain sling capacities, high capacity round sling, web sling shackles, alloy master links, and included angles and horizontal angles.

The training course was developed by a construction industry professional with over 35 years experience in the development and implementation of training materials. The complete Rigging Safety Training Course is available to SC&RA members for USD359; the retail price is USD499 for non-members. SC&RA also is offering additional copies of the student guide at USD8.99 each for members and USD9.99 for non-members and the instructor guide at USD7.99 each for members and USD8.99 for non-members.

The new course complements the Signal Person Training Course, also offered under the SC&RA/ETS partnership and available separately at the same price. The Signal Person Training Course was revised recently to incorporate the updated OSHA Crane and Derrick Safety Standard.

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