SC&RA Presents President’s Award to Three Companies

The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA) presented the President’s Award for membership recruitment to three members during its 2015 Annual Conference, April 14-18, at La Costa Resort & Conference Center, Carlsbad, Calif. Each of the following companies recruited two new members within the past year:

Bennett International Group, McDonough, Ga.
Link-Belt Construction Equipment Co., Lexington, Ky.
Python America, Hazel Crest, Ill.

Individuals who participate in SC&RA’s member recruitment efforts automatically qualify for SC&RA’s Member-Get-a-Member Program. Visit to learn more about the program, see the SC&RA recruiter leader board, and view the benefits for member recruiters (both for companies and for individuals). Please contact Jason Bell, SC&RA Membership Manager, at or (703) 207-3589 for more information.

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