NCCER and Build Your Future Announce October as Careers in Construction Month

NCCER and its Build Your Future (BYF) initiative are once again declaring October as Careers in Construction Month. Throughout the month, industry and education partner locally to host career events that introduce students to rewarding construction careers.

This year, governors in Nevada, Utah, Nebraska, Texas, Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi have all proclaimed Careers in Construction Month in their states. It is not too late for other states to do the same. Any state resident can file a proclamation for his or her governor to sign. To simplify the process, BYF offers proclamation guidelines for each state and a sample proclamation

BYF also provides a number of online resources at to make it easy for organizations to host career day events during Careers in Construction Month, such as a career day guide, field manual and helpful hints. Organizations can also register their events at for added publicity.  

In celebration of Careers in Construction Month, NCCER and BYF have teamed up to create the “I BUILT THIS” video contest, giving aspiring craft professionals and their instructors an opportunity to showcase their construction projects. The contest is open through Oct. 18 to students and instructors in secondary and postsecondary career and technical education programs. In the videos, contestants will describe their projects, share their favorite construction careers and explain what they enjoy most about the industry. First place winners will receive GoPro HERO cameras and second place winners will receive Google Chromecast streaming devices. For official rules or to submit a video, visit

With a projected shortage of 1.5 million craft professionals by 2019, now is the time to promote construction careers in each state. Recognizing October as Careers in Construction Month can generate added publicity for the construction industry and help promote career opportunities.  

Here’s a list of event details happening throughout the states: 

Oklahoma Spec Mix Bricklayer 500 Regional
WHEN: Oct. 1 at 11 a.m.
WHERE: Tulsa Technology Center – Lemley Campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Professional bricklayers will compete to lay the most brick in one hour. Awards are given out for the best built wall, but the bricklayer who lays the most will earn a trip to Las Vegas to compete for the title of World’s Fastest Bricklayer.

North Carolina Construction Career Day
WHEN: Oct. 7 at 9 a.m.
WHERE: Cabarrus Arena and Events Center in Concord, North Carolina
Activities include:
  • Hands-on exercises and demonstrations
  • Construction career booths
  • Special guest speaker NASCAR driver David Starr

Build Your Future 2015
WHEN: Oct. 20-22 at 9 a.m.
WHERE: Associated Builders and Contractors Pelican Chapter in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Activities include:
  • Careers in construction videos
  • Craft-specific breakout sessions
  • Presentations from industry representatives and subject matter experts

North Texas Construction Career Day
WHEN: Oct. 28 at 9 a.m.
WHERE: DFW Education Center at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
Activities include:
  • Hands-on exercises and demonstrations with vendors and contractors
  • Construction career booths
  • Local ABC Craft Championships

Northern Valley Career Expo
WHEN: Nov. 4 at 9 a.m.
WHERE: Alerus Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota
1,500 students from high schools throughout northeast North Dakota and northwest Minnesota will learn about career and training opportunities within the region.

Construction Careers Expo
WHEN: Nov. 5 at 7 a.m.
WHERE: Pasadena Municipal Fairgrounds in Pasadena, Texas
More than 400 high school students will participate in hands-on activities while learning about the various career opportunities available in construction.

Arizona Construction Career Days
WHEN: Nov. 5 – 6 at 8 a.m.
WHERE: Arizona National Guard, Papago Site in Phoenix
Activities include:
  • Hands-on exercises and demonstrations
  • Use of simulator equipment
  • Construction career booths

NCCER is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) education foundation created by the construction industry to develop standardized curriculum with portable credentials and to help address the skilled construction workforce shortage. NCCER is recognized by the industry as the training, assessment, certification and career development standard for the construction and maintenance craft professional. For more information, visit or contact NCCER customer service at 888.622.3720.

About Build Your Future 
Build Your Future (BYF) is NCCER’s national image enhancement and recruitment initiative for the construction industry. Its mission is to recruit the next generation of craft professionals by making career and technical education a priority in secondary schools, shifting negative public perception about careers in the construction industry and providing a path from ambition, to training, to job placement as a craft professional. BYF provides a number of resources to assist industry, education and military organizations in achieving these goals. For more information, visit

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