NCCCO Elects New Commissioners


The National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) has elected two new Commissioners and re-elected a further three to its Commission. The elections took place at the 37th Biannual Meeting of the NCCCO Commission held in Baltimore, MD, in October.

Elected to five-year terms on the Commission were Brian Haight, Cranes Technical Specialist, Crane Certification Program Supervisor, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (Olympia, WA), and William Davis (pictured left), Senior Risk Engineer, Zurich (Richmond, VA). Brian Haight brings a government/regulatory perspective to the Commission, while Bill Davis—a former Alternate Commissioner—has an extensive, diverse background that serves to round out the expertise represented on the Commission. Haight will serve in the Government/Regulatory category, while Davis is the new Public Member.

Re-elected to additional five-year terms as Commissioners were Tim Arkilander, representing the Articulating Crane Council of America  (ACCNA); Beth O’Quinn (pictured right), representing the Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association (SC&RA); and Douglas Stegeman, representing IUOE Local 139.

Also elected, as an Alternative Commissioner to Paul Mosley of Shell Oil, was John Hellums, Business Development Manager at Bishop Lifting Products, Inc. (Houston, TX). 

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The 30-member Commission of the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) represents all the stakeholders that use cranes and rigging equipment through 10 industry groups: Crane Users, Crane Manufacturers, Insurance, Consultants, International, Government/Regulatory, Associations, Labor, Owners (Petrochemical), and the Public. Commissioners are elected by the Commission, subject to Board of Directors review, and serve five-year terms.  



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