Lift-It Mfg. Promotes Mike Gelskey, Jr. to Vice President and Announces New Addition to Sales Team

Michael J. Gelskey, Jr. has been promoted to Vice President. He currently serves as General Manager and as Quality Director for Lift-It Manufacturing.   Mr. Gelskey began working in the family business
at the age of 13, in complete compliance with all child labor laws.  A self-educated man, Mike (Junior) graduated from Bonita High School in 1994 and has worked in all areas of manufacturing since 1991.

In 1992, he set up the Lift-It Twin-Path production department and has been a valuable technical consultant for the Slingmax organization for the past twenty years.

Mr. Gelskey was instrumental in the initial, company registration to the ISO-9001 Quality Standard and now the upgraded registration to the prestigious AS9100 Quality Standard.

“I am extremely proud of my son and the incredible job he does for our company, our people and most importantly, our customers.  We never tire of the praise we receive and feel fortunate to have his bravado and enthusiasm at the core of our organization”, remarks Mike Gelskey, Sr., Company CE0 and proud father.

Mr. Mike Gelskey, Jr. resides in Southern California with his wife, Kimberly and their three children: Justin Michael, Aubrey Kay and Ella Jean.

In addition to Michael Gelskey Jr.’s promotion, Lift-It Manufacturing is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Dequoy Ralph Moken Weaver as Company Sales Manager.

Mr. Weaver had a distinguished scholastic and athletic career at Riverside Community College and attended Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa on scholarship where he studied Business Administration and Mass Communication.

Dequoy (pronounced Da-Coy) will be responsible for managing inside sales, as well as maintaining and cultivating relationships in North America.  He will also be working with our representatives and promoting Lift-It at conferences, trade shows and product exhibitions.

Lift-It CEO, Michael J. Gelskey, Sr. met Mr. Weaver on a plane and was so impressed with his zeal, manners, managerial sense and experience in industrial marketing that he immediately decided to hire him away from a very large, industrial supply firm where he had distinguished himself with numerous sales awards.

M. Gelskey, Sr. remarks, “ I had met Dequoy’s father, nine years previously at the site of a rigging accident and after realizing I could have been sitting next to the orphaned son of a man, who had been using my sling, I hired him for his talent, not out of guilt! Mr. Weaver and his family are excited about becoming part of the Lift-It family and we are excited with Dequoy’s endless energy and enthusiasm.”

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