Lift-It Manufacturing Co., Inc., has announced the debut of its new Website:
Providing valuable information has always been a priority for Lift-It Manufacturing and the new site delivers extensive product and safety information, with improved navigation.
The new, expanded site is designed to provide instant, easy access to the company’s complete line of slings, rigging hardware, load securement, nets, dynamometers, blocks, plate clamps, cordage, fall prevention equipment, hoists, material handling, and RFID technology for sling inspection.
In addition to the wealth of product information, visitors can download the newly released Rigging Products Resource Guide and access Articles of Interest, the Lift-It Newsletter, FAQ, and Instructional Videos.
The revised site also features e-commerce for easy ordering and will soon facilitate registration at the many Western Learning Centers offering training for riggers, signalpersons, and inspectors.
“The new site provides access to general information and product specifications that is second to none,” states founder Michael J. Gelskey. “We have expanded the product and safety sections to provide useful information for our visitors. Catalogs are obsolete, in some instances, before the ink is dry, so we have made a substantial investment to provide instant access to current information, new technology, changing regulations, and product specifications.”
Founded in 1979, Lift-It Manufacturing is headquartered in Pomona, California, and supplies quality rigging and training internationally. Register now for Competent Sling and Rigging Hardware Inspection Training in Pomona, California, on October 29 and 30.