Lift-It Manufacturing Announces “State of the Art” Learning Center

Lift-It Manufacturing, a worldwide leader in the supply of quality rigging and training, is proud to announce the opening of a new Learning Center at company headquarters in Pomona, CA.  The state of the art facility features the latest in technology to provide for multi-media presentations and webinars.  The 40 seat, 2000 sq. ft., facility has hundreds of samples which were generously donated by the quality leaders in the rigging industry.

Mike Gelskey, Sr., Chief Executive Officer, Lift-It Manufacturing comments, “The new facility and particularly the new training center is a dream come true.  Our presenters can’t believe the world class setting they enjoy as instructors and our students, many of whom have been involved in training for decades remark that they have never seen anything that could compare.”

Lift-It® is the Western Regional Center for the Rigging Institute with campuses established in all major western cities. Gelskey remarks,” Our association with Rigging Institute is a mutually beneficial one and our training clients benefit with instant access to quality training. We offer a full spectrum of training and will develop custom programs to suit our clients’ needs”.

Sling User, Inspector, Hands-on-Rigging and Fall Prevention awareness will be offered on Sept. 18-19, 2012, in Pomona, CA.  In conjunction with the Sling and Rigging Safety Conference, a Train-the-Trainer Program will be featured Sept. 18-21. For further information on this event and our 2012-2013 schedules, contact Michelle Brown, conference coordinator at 800.377-5438 x 715 or

Lift-It Manufacturing celebrates 33 years of service to the rigging industry, this September by providing quality rigging and training.  M.J.Gelskey Sr. remarks, “We provided training long, long before it was fashionable. It is nice to see that training has become in vogue.  Riggers need to go home to their loved ones and effective training is one of the many ingredients which makes it possible.”

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