From two cranes to one: C.P. Ward manages a tight fit with the Potain Igo T 130

Potain’s Igo self-erecting crane range has long been known for its ability to be erected in tight spaces. A recent project to construct a hotel in Ithaca, New York, is a perfect example of how the compact nature of these cranes can enable lifts from places from which no other crane could manage.

C.P. Ward is using an Igo T 130 to help build a Marriot Hotel in Ithaca, New York, and the self-erecting crane is making a significant impact. To start, the 8.8 USt crane fit into a space that Jon Lanse, operations manager of the company’s crane/rigging division, said no other crane would have.

“It’s the only crane that we could find that would fit into the little area that we are lifting from, but still had enough capacity and reach for the project,” he said. “It has been a fantastic crane for this assignment. It was assembled and erected in one day, and it only took a little bit of equipment to set it up on the job site.”

The area on which the crane was erected was triangular, flanked by the two streets and the garage itself. C.P. Ward was able to obtain one lane closure from the city of Ithaca, but could not impede traffic in additional lanes. The Igo T 130’s small footprint enabled the crane to fit in the restricted space and keep traffic flowing on the streets around it. The job site area was so tight, in fact, that the company could not store loads on the site, even overnight, instead having to bring them in by truck before each lift.

For the most part, the crane lifted concrete forms, along with rebar and other materials, with average loads weighing approximately 1.5 USt. The heaviest lifts amounted to 4 USt. The crane was erected at its maximum height, utilizing its full 122.4 ft max tip height for many of the lifts. The crane and lifts “jumped” with the addition of each of the hotel’s 12 floors. The construction began in June and is expected to wrap up in October.

The crane’s electric motor was a plus on the job site, the company said, as it generated much less noise than a diesel crane, and it was erected in an area with heavy pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Also, it required less maintenance, such as fueling and oil changes. Another huge benefit: The Igo T 130 enabled C.P. Ward to cut its crane usage for this type of project from two cranes to one.

“In the past, you might have been able to complete this job with a small tower crane, but you would have been required to have another crane on the project to set that crane up,” he explained. “Only needing the one crane saves us time and money, and saves money for the entire project. It’s faster and more efficient. Another alternative would have been a lattice boom crawler, but that would have required much more ground preparation, and in the end, may not have even fit on the job site.”

The Igo T 130 is performing so well that Lanse said the company would move from renting one to owning its own unit, if a new project called for it. “It’s a great crane that has made us faster and more efficient. It’s definitely impressed us enough to purchase one in the future if we need it.”

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