Four New Members Boost LEEA Technical Committee Expertise

LEEA Technical Committee

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association is pleased to announce that four new members have joined the LEEA Technical Committee. They are Rob Messenger, Sales Manager Lifting and Lashing Systems at RUD Chains Ltd; Wan Djawad, Technical Director at Durham Lifting Ltd; Richard Oldknow, Consultant at YOKE Industrial Corp; and Craig Jenkins of Brandon Hire Station. They will join the many members contributing their expertise to the wide range of technical support offered by LEEA.

LEEA has long represented its members’ interests on standardisation and changes to legislation, with the Technical Committee giving them the opportunity to have their say and prepare and adapt to changes far more quickly than their competitors.

The work that the Committee carries out is crucial because legislation is risk based and goal setting, but not every application or product has a standard, which often results in ambiguity. A further significant benefit to members resulting from the work of the Technical Committee is the industrial best practice guidance documents and publications, which are available to download for free from the website.

Derek Buck, Chairman of the Technical Committee, and Managing Director at Delmark Lifting Equipment, said: “We welcome the additional expertise that the new members bring to the LEEA Technical Committee, which will further boost the already significant contribution we, as Members, can offer to the effectiveness of the technical support provided by the Association. I would like to express our gratitude to the existing members and their companies that allow us to give our time freely.”

He added: “The Committee’s success and growth has resulted in an increase in proposals for new guidance documents and is supported by well attended sub-committees and working groups whom I would also like to give thanks to. The vital work the team carries out to develop and deliver best practice guidance is a clear benefit of LEEA membership.”

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