FIRST® Sling Technology is proud to announce the launching of their redesigned website – FIRST® is committed to providing information that will provide a value added tool for Inspectable Roundsling users. Of particular interest to professional and corporate rigging gear trainers is the Training Page. Here you can view Inspectable Roundsling Sling Inspection & Removal Criteria. All of this information is available upon request on discs and wall posters. Linda Summars, inventor of Full Inspection RoundSling Technology and President of FIRST® said “this is just the beginning for a relatively new product that is now a proven advancement in roundsling inspection.” This is the only roundsling in the world that allows the rigger to do a full visual inspection, cover and core. The current FIRST® Manufacturing Team – Ashley Sling, Delta Rigging & Tools/Tuffy Products, Sling Tech and The Vernon Corporation – are all committed to providing their customers with products UNPARALLELED in rigging gear safety. Summars went on to say that “the Inspectable has been in service in nuclear and automotive plants having been well received in the highest of safety conscious markets. Why wouldn’t a rigger want a roundsling that they can inspect completely?”
FIRST® plans on limiting the number of the manufacturing team, but will be licensing Authorized Distribution in 2011. The Distribution Team will be trained and prepared to not only provide an improved roundsling product line, but also to assist their customers with training, testing and technical support.
The FIRST® Sling was invented in the USA and has received patent protection in the USA and Canada with Foreign Patents pending.