Ecuador Announces Report on New Guayaquil Port

26-07-2013_Ministra-DuarteRecently, Ecuador Minister of Transport and Public Works, Maria de los Angeles Duarte, announced during a local radio interview, the construction of a new maritime port of Guayaquil, with the ability to move 50 to 60 million tonnes of cargo annually.

‘Currently new port studies are already underway between Posorja area and the border with the province of Santa Elena’, Minister Duarte stressed having the capability for deepwater larger vessels will move more than double the current capacity of the port terminal.

“A well designed port can have multiple terminals and the design theme can be made independent and confident. The government is working to start the construction and operation of this new marine terminal before the end of President Rafael Correa’s term,” she said.

The report also stated that once the budget is approved for the construction of the new port that the positive impact on the growth, economic development and tourism of the area would transcend not only Guayaquil but also Ecuador for more than thirty years.


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