Close on 200 delegates are expected at two seminars being held next week in Amsterdam by the International Marine Contractors (IMCA). The 2017 IMCA Lifting and Rigging Seminar with its theme ‘Slings and rigging: ‘The soft revolution’’ will be held on 14 June at the Novotel Amsterdam Schiphol as will the the two-day IMCA Marine Seminar (14 and 15 June) with its theme ‘Practical vessel assurance for safe & efficient operations’.
The annual Lifting and Rigging seminars (formerly the Rope Forum seminars), chaired by David Cannell of TechnipFMC, have long proved a good way of encouraging discussion on issues affecting the industry; and this year’s event – the eighth in the series – will be no exception. It will focus on all aspects of heavy lifting slings including assurance, rigging selection, new developments and practical experience.
Participants come from subsea contractors, sling manufacturers (both wire and fibre), system designers and suppliers, equipment suppliers and academic institutions/test houses – nearly 90 registrations have been received so far.
This year’s seminar covers ‘Codes and Standards’, ‘Operators’ Experience’, then before a networking lunch there is a workshop at which delegates are encouraged to raise actual experiences and hot topic issues. This gives an opportunity to discuss subjects such as ‘Satisfying clients’ requests – specifically with heavy lifting gear’ and ‘Certification for intended purpose?’.
Following the lunch, attention turns to a ‘Suppliers Session’ when products, new developments, assurance and guidance in use come under the seminar spotlight. Then a second workshop follows ‘Requirements – now and future’ when code/guidance improvements, testing and future R&D needs will be the topics for discussion.
As IMCA’s Technical Manager, Mark Ford (pictured) explains “Our interactive workshops are designed to encourage discussion and, where possible, identify industry needs for improved guidelines/codes, R&D of new and existing products, and academic research. These needs are then fed into the IMCA work programme.” The final Seminar session considers ‘Testing, Developments and Future technology’.
Getting delegates together
A networking reception follows bringing Lifting and Rigging Seminar delegates together with those who have been attending the first day of IMCA’s Marine Seminar. Topics being discussed during that two-day programme include ‘Reactivation of DP vessels after a period of layup’ and ‘Investigation and analysis of DP station keeping events’ on Day One; and ‘The role maritime bodies play in vessel assurance’; and ‘How eCMID assists in the vessel assurance process’ on Day 2. Both days will consist of presentations from subject matter experts and workshops that will enable attendees to be actively involved during each of the four sessions.
Over 75 delegates have already registered for the Marine Seminar from vessel operators, clients, auditors, equipment suppliers and training establishments directly involved in marine operations in both the oil and gas and renewable energy sectors.
The full programmes for both events are online at and from Registration is open to members and guests.
Further information on IMCA and its work on behalf of the vast majority of global offshore marine contractors and the associated supply chain is available from and The association has LinkedIn and Facebook groups and its Twitter handle is @IMCAint