DLM Design Completes Innovative Project in Dubai

Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd (DLM) and UAE distributors, Technik-1 Lifting successfully complete the supply and commissioning of Firing Line Monitoring System to a pipe lay vessel docked in Dubai last month.

Technik-1 contacted us looking for a system to measure vertical load being applied to the pipe rollers in the Firing Line of a pipe lay vessel. The system was designed to replace pressure transducers and provides higher accuracy when measuring force applied to the Firing Line Rollers.

DLM specialise in design and manufacture of Shear Pin Load Cells which are used frequently within the offshore industry. Technik-1 is specialist in load instrumentation services with a strong and loyal clientele in the oil and gas industry. DLM worked with the Technik-1 to design, build and install a complete load monitoring system comprising of 12 Subsea Standard Shear Pin Load Cells and a Siemens PLC and HMI system. The system includes a master HMI in the Control Room and slave HMI on the Bridge. Both the HMI screens provided an operator interface to view the status of each roller, monitor the status of the HPU, provide calibration for all 44 analogue inputs and allow for manual or automatic control of the vertical hydraulic movement of the rollers with feedback from vertical position sensors.

Chris Scrutton, Technical Manager from DLM comments: “This was a very technically challenging but satisfying project to work on. After the system was commissioned by DLM and Technik-1 engineers seeing the automated control functioning correctly on the first attempt was rewarding, the vertical movement of each roller was kept to within 2mm of level by automatically compensating for the variation in hydraulic cylinders.”

DLM work with customers from conception through to completion and even commissioning. If you are looking for system design or more information on what we can provide, visit www.dlm-uk.com.

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