Deakins Appointed President of Bishop Lifting Products, Inc.

Derrick Deakins - President of Bishop Lifting Products, Inc.

Mr. Derrick Deakins – President, Bishop Lifting Products, Inc.

HOUSTON, TEXAS – Derrick Deakins has been appointed President of Bishop Lifting Products, Inc., effective August 1, 2013.

“Derrick joined Bishop Lifting Products as Chief Financial Officer in 2007 and was appointed Chief Operating Officer earlier this year.  He has been instrumental in the development and execution of both our tactical as well as our strategic plans and is a valuable part of our executive management team”, said Otis Dufrene, CEO of SBP Holdings, Bishop’s parent company where Mr. Deakins is also a member of the Board of Directors.

Prior to joining Bishop Lifting Products Mr. Deakins held senior finance and engineering positions with Shell Oil Company and Hewlett Packard.  He holds a mechanical engineering degree from Texas A&M University and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

Founded in 1984, Bishop Lifting Products is one of the nation’s premier industrial distributors specializing in the fabrication and sale of lifting, rigging, and load securement products and services.  Bishop Lifting Products and Singer Equities, Inc., a group of value added industrial rubber distributors, are wholly owned subsidiaries of SBP Holdings and together service a wide range of diversified industries throughout North America.  More information can be obtained at

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