Crane and Rigging Conference and Industrial Crane and Hoist Conference to Address OSHA Crane Regulation

With the Cranes and Derricks in Construction standard requiring U.S. operators to be certified by November 2014, Maximum Capacity Media’s Crane and Rigging Conference and Industrial Crane and Hoist Conference will focus on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s crane operator certification requirements. The jointly held crane safety and management conferences will take place May 29-30 at the Indianapolis Marriott North in Indianapolis, Ind.

The operator qualification requirements are part of the Cranes and Derricks in Construction standard that governs crane safety. The standard is the product of a negotiated rulemaking process that began in the summer of 2003 and culminated in the publication of the final rule on Aug. 9, 2010.

Discussions on crane operator certification requirements are heating up as the deadline for compliance draws near. Specifically, the industry is buzzing about the OSHA’s requirement to certify operators based on the type and capacity of the crane.

In fact, OSHA has opened the door on these crane safety topics and has scheduled two informal stakeholder meetings in April to solicit comments on crane operator certification requirements in the Cranes and Derricks in Construction standard.  The agency seeks information from the public on the usefulness of certifying operators for different capacities of cranes, and the risks of allowing an operator to operate all capacities of cranes within a specific type. OSHA will hold separate meetings on April 2 and 3 at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C.

There is more to crane safety compliance than operator certification. At the Crane and Rigging Conference and Industrial Crane and Hoist Conference, industry professionals will also learn about OSHA’s new designations for personnel, such as lift directors, site supervisors, riggers, and signalpersons; hazards related to crane operation and how to assess them; and the crane technology and design advancements to meet current crane standards. These crane safety presentation topics include:

  • Practical Applications of the OSHA Crane Regulations for Safety and Risk Managers
    Mark Steinhofer,  Account Manager of Site Operations, Safety Management Group
  • Lift Planning for Heavy Lifts
    Jim Yates, SVP of Engineering and Technical Services, Barnhart Crane & Rigging
  • Leading Causes of Crane Accidents: Final Data from Haag Engineering’s Crane Accident Study

Jim Wiethorn, Principal Engineer and Chairman of Haag Engineering

  • How U.S. Certifications Are Helping Fill Canada’s Labor Shortage

Debbie Dickenson, Executive Director, Crane Institute Certification
Fraser Cocks, Executive Director, BC Association for Crane Safety

  • Overhead Cranes and Hoists—Operator Issues and Requirements
    Frank DiMeglio, Technical Trainer & Inspector, NACB
  • Bringing Mobile Learning to the Jobsite
    Keith Anderson, Chief Rigging Engineer and Rigging Group Manager,
    Bechtel Equipment Operations

    Paul Drexler, Account Manager, Bechtel Equipment Operations
  • Complete Crane Communication
    John Egnatz, 30-year veteran operator

Additionally, vendors from a variety of professional organizations, including Event Partner North American Crane Bureau, will be available to answer questions about complying with the upcoming OSHA crane regulation and overall crane safety.

To view the complete agenda and register for the Crane and Rigging Conference and the Industrial Crane and Hoist Conference, visit

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