CIC and ISHM Enter Joint Endorsement Agreement

thumbs_logo-side-textCrane Institute Certification (CIC) and Institute for Safety and Health Management (ISHM), Yuma, Ariz., announce that the organizations have entered into a joint marketing agreement. Both CIC and ISHM share a common goal of improving the safety and health of workers, and thereby reducing accidents.

CIC offers NCCA (National Commission for Certifying Agencies) accredited certifications for mobile crane operators, riggers, and signalpersons. ISHM offers certifications for safety management professionals. The Certified Safety and Health Manager is CESB (Council on Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards) accredited. Other certifications are for Associate Safety and Health Manger and Certified Safety Management Practitioner.

Certifications from both organizations are designed to recognize the knowledge, skills and abilities of the professionals for which their respective certifications are provided. While CIC’s certifications are designed for in-the-field workers, management buy-in is crucial to the overall adoption of certification. ISHM’s certifications target safety managers who have a broad range of duties. CIC and ISHM’s certifications complement each other.

According to OSHA research and Province of Ontario studies conducted over a period of years, 80% fewer crane-related deaths and 50% fewer accidents occur with certified crane operators. Organizations that employ Certified Safety Managers enjoy fewer incidents and are generally recognized as leaders in their field.

“A joint marketing agreement between CIC and ISHM offers customers a holistic approach to safety credentialing. When the work environment is safe, companies are more productive and profitable,” said Debbie Dickinson, Executive Director of CIC.

“By endorsing each other’s programs, CIC and ISHM are providing additional resources to their respective customers to help them gain employment, win job bids, reduce risk, and become more competitive and profitable,” said Larry Curtis, Executive Director of ISHM.

CIC will offer a 25% discount on new certifications for Advanced Rigger beginning Jan. 1, 2014, to individuals who are CSHM, ASHM, or CSMP Certified. CIC will offer a 25% discount on new certifications for Lift Director, as soon as the program is launched (expected by March 2014) to individuals who are CSHM, ASHM, or CSMP Certified. And for CSHM, ASHM, or CSMP Certified individuals who are seeking to become CIC Practical Examiners, CIC will offer a 25% discount on General Knowledge and Supplement Exams that correspond to the crane type and capacity categories for which the individual is seeking to become a Practical Examiner.

ISHM will offer a 25% discount on new application and exam fees for CSHM, ASHM, or CSMP, beginning Jan. 1, 2014, to individuals who are Authorized CIC Practical Examiners, or CIC Lift Director or Advanced Rigger Certified.

“Advanced Riggers, Lift Directors, and Practical Examiners are often management or supervisory level individuals who might benefit from obtaining additional ISHM certifications, which focus on the broader safety management process,” said Mike Parnell, chairman of CIC’s Rigging Committee and President of Industrial Training International. CIC expects to launch its Lift Director certification by March 2014. The designation of lift director is increasingly being identified in various standards, including ASME B30, OSHA 1926.1400, and the yet-to-be-released ASME P30 standard.

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