Author and Emotional Intelligence Expert to Close Out 2012 CRC/ICHC

The jointly-held Crane & Rigging Conference and Industrial Crane & Hoist Conference (CRC/ICHC), hosted by MCM Events, announces Brent Darnell, author of The People-Profit Connection, as its closing speaker for the 2012 event.

The two-day safety management conference focusing on “Tools for Effective Crane and Rigging Management,” will be held May 23-24, 2012 in New Orleans, La. Joining the program as the 2012 Event Partners are Crane Institute Certification and Columbus McKinnon Corp. Darnell brings a unique approach to helping managers tap into the Emotional Intelligence of each employee, especially as it relates to training. After working in the construction industry for 20 years, Darnell started his own leadership development company. He is a leading authority on emotional intelligence and a pioneer in its use in the construction industry. Since 2000, Brent has helped to improve the social competence and leadership skills of thousands of people in more than 70 companies in more than 20 countries around the world. He was recently named one of the Top 25 Newsmakers for 2011 by ENR.

For CRC/ICHC, Darnell will present a session titled “Primal Safety: A gut-level approach using emotional intelligence to enhance your safety program.” This program caters to highly independent alpha males in the construction industry. Brent will demonstrate how a simple focus on emotional competencies along with practical knowledge about how people learn, retain, and apply information, can turn your safety program around.

By tapping into the emotional part of safety, employees will naturally work safer, instead of rebelling against rules and policies. This program gives managers tools impart safety information for the highest impact and the most compliance.


Technical topics

Leading up to Darnell’s final session will be two educational tracts from which attendees can choose sessions related overhead cranes, hoists, mobile cranes, tower cranes, and rigging. Other scheduled speakers include Al Abel, lifting specialist for Mazella Lifting Technologies; Mike Parnell, president of Industrial Training International; Tom Reardon, training manager for Columbus McKinnon; and Mike Riggs, president of Rigging Institute.

Rounding out the event will be joint sessions on workforce development, accident statistics, and construction forecasts. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn about products and services available from vendors exhibiting during the event.

New this year, attendees can visit with an industry expert in a small group setting regarding crane and rigging management issues they face daily in their jobs. Those interested in sitting at lunch with an expert for “Table Topics Talks” can sign up on site. Limited seats will be available. Experts who are interested in leading these discussions, should contact Tracy Bennett at or Richard Howes at


Table Topics tentatively include:

  • Fleet Management
  • Risk Management
  • Equipment Upgrades/Automation
  • Inspections
  • Training
  • Rigging
  • Standards/Regulations
  • Safety Devices
  • Qualification/Certification of Personnel


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