AirCrane Rescues Rhino


Sikorsky_S-64_N159AC_Erickson_Air-Crane_@_OSD Picture2As reported on AVweb, Erickson AirCrane, Inc., in coordination with the Sabah Wildlife Department in Malaysia, has helped relocate an endangered female Sumatran rhinoceros to a wildlife reserve to be paired with a male rhino already within the protected sanctuary.  Laurentius Ambu, the director of the Sabah Wildlife Department in Malaysia, said the rhino is “on the verge of extinction” in the local region. “Without the use of Erickson Air-Crane’s huge Sikorsky S-64 helicopter, this rescue would have been impossible,” he said.Picture5

According to the Erickson AirCrane website, the S-64F has a realistic lift capacity measuring 22,500 lbs. (10,206 kg.)

The report continues, “the female rhino was transported with the use of a sturdy wooden crate that was lifted aloft by the AirCrane from her remote jungle habitat. “Erickson was proud to play a part in this important initiative, helping to protect this critically endangered species,” company spokesman Brian Carlson told AVweb. This was the second time an AirCrane was used to relocate a Sumatran rhino.

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