Helping safety and risk managers apply both new and old technology to safety and productivity on the job will be a key focus of CRC/ICHC 2013. Keynote speaker Matthew Wallace, president and CEO of VRSim, a technology company in Hartford, Conn., will discuss practical and cost-effective uses of virtual reality applications in construction. Although crane operator simulators are not new to the crane and rigging industry, their acceptance has been limited. Wallace, recognized as a 2011 ENR Top 25 Newsmaker, will explain how technology from the gaming industry is valuable for recruitment and training of workers.
The jointly held Crane & Rigging Conference and Industrial Crane & Hoist Conference will take place May 29-30, 2013 at the Indianapolis Marriott North in Indianapolis, Ind. CRC/ICHC is produced by MCM Events, a division of Maximum Capacity Media.
Other technology topics in the works for the conference include:
- Apps and Tablets for Riggers, Operators, and Signalpersons
- Electronic Recordkeeping for Sling and Below-the-Hook Device Inspections
- Sales and Safety Uses for Lift Planning Software
Trending topics scheduled for the agenda include:
- OSHA’s 2014 Crane Operator Certification Deadline
- ASME Standards Updates
- Emergency Response and Reconstruction Business Plans for Crane and Rigging
Save the date now to attend this premier crane and rigging event. For more information, visit
Call for Speakers deadline is Jan. 31, 2013. To present your proposal, go to
For Event Information Contact:
Franci Motz
Maximum Capacity Media